Anyway instead I really wanted to blog about Rock of Love Bus- the third ROL with Bret Michaels season. Now, as you may know, I am a crazy fan of Poison and love love loooove Bret Michaels- the first season I was addicted. The second, yup addicted. I have tried with the third season, and I will download and watch every show, but I don't think the passion is there! I mean, you think he would have found someone by now! Let me give you a brief outline of the story- Season 1 & 2, Bret Michaels filled an LA mansion with "hot" (That is dubious!) chicks. He gives me tasks to do, some get private dates etc etc and then each episode he kicks one off in a very long winded elimination. Something funny about the show last night- the girls were told by Bret via a note to dress up.. they all wore lingerie! In public! Like, bra's and knickers!! What the! Because next time ABL and I are going out and I want to dress up- I'm wearing a bra and girdle- and that's it. Mmm Hmm. I thought Daisy was trashy last season- at least she wore clothes! (once again, dubious)
Soo.. below is my take on the remaining trollops.. i mean, ladies
goes on and on about how she was a playboy bunny or a playmate, I don't know- I wouldn't be talking or bragging about it!! Kinda simpering and boring. She may grow on me however.

goes on and on about how she was a playboy bunny or a playmate, I don't know- I wouldn't be talking or bragging about it!! Kinda simpering and boring. She may grow on me however.
Token black chick (harsh i know, but he has one every year!) Kinda hot but with the BLOKIEST voice I have EVER heard! Its like she is a 3 pack a day smoker! Sick!
Mindy; Umm.. are you a bloke? Sooked all last nights epiode as she didn't get any one on one time with Bretty. Wah wah, suck it up. I bet my maxi dress she will be out next week.

Kelsey; smacks of Brandi M (M i think) from Season 1 and Charm School. She will go far but not win. I like her but, she is cute and likeable. Although last night she said that she thought a roadie was a member of the band. Hmm.
Farrah; Likes to pash other girls. Wears trashy 80's porn clothes and has huge fake boobies. Heather from season 1 and 2 part 2 TOTALLY!

Brittanya; Her name makes me think of encyclopedia britanica.... has cheek piercings. I like her hair. She is really cute actually, totally dumb, but admits she is so she knows it. I wouldn't mind her winning, she is trashy, but endearing. Kinda like Destiney from season 2.
Beverley; What a bogan name. Has obvious body image issues as usually covers herself like a muslim. Well compared to the other girls that is. Has the baggiest boobs ever and like 50 kids at home. I like her.. because she is different... I hate her because she is hideous. I so knew they would put an "Ugly Betty" so to speak in this year. I am waiting for them to put a fatty in- I guess the only man who likes fatties is Flava Flav, he has a few in his show each season. She will hang around till the end but won't win.

Kelsey; smacks of Brandi M (M i think) from Season 1 and Charm School. She will go far but not win. I like her but, she is cute and likeable. Although last night she said that she thought a roadie was a member of the band. Hmm.

Brittanya; Her name makes me think of encyclopedia britanica.... has cheek piercings. I like her hair. She is really cute actually, totally dumb, but admits she is so she knows it. I wouldn't mind her winning, she is trashy, but endearing. Kinda like Destiney from season 2.

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