Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I love Whitesnake. I love a good 80's faux metal band.

I digress. This is the other Lily + Lou top I bought last sunday. I tried it on in a bigger size but decided on the smaller one. it's still a loose fit but not quite so baggy. In the store I think I liked the peacock one better but maybe now that this one is on i like this better? It's a little "nighttime" for work maybe but mah, i never care about that kind of stuff. Well actually, maybe I do.. you see..
I have been reading the Vogue forum again heaps lately... work has been quiet. I can't actually remember exactly what my user name and password was but so I can only watch not post.. but it has been a good read! One of the posts I read was titled.. Not being able to get away with being fashionable in australia?
It was all about people wearing fashion and being "looked at" and sometimes hung shit on. It was a good and interesting read, a little pretensious in places because I kinda think people who wear high fashion like being looked at.. but i do understand the stigma because like I have mentioned many times I work in industrial Dandenong (a bogan south east suburb of melbourne) and I love fashion and most of the other girls I work with wear either fluro work jumpers and jeans or boring black "work" pants and tops. Boring black "work" pants bore me.
I have been pretty tame here actually.. mainly because walking down that long drive way deters me from wearing totally unpredictable stuff! But still.. I was wearing my cute leopard print flats the other day and some of the drivers commented.. that it looked like I was wearing slippers, ha ha.. didn't bother me, makes me laugh actually!
I like to dress mainstream- mainstream fashionable however, But i do like to branch out and push limits and I like some whimsical vintage and I love 70's-80's vintage because it's pieces can be easily mingled with basics to create a not too vintage look. I am not really into 50's vintage. I hate pucci print. I hate those colours, lime green, pooey mustard yellows. I dislike rockabilly only becauseI feel I have been there and done that. I also dislike gothic fashion because I feel its now old hat. I would never intentionally try and make someone wearing ANY type of fashion feel bad however.. when I think back to my teens and some of the things I wore for shock value though.. isn't that WHY some of us dress that way though? or is that only a teenagey angst-ey thing?

black faux rats- city chic
black ballet flats- big w
grey snakeskin 3/4 sleeve tee- lily + lou @ best + less

check it- the fog, woooooooohhh

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