Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Spring

Today I went to the HD and got her to gimme my foils, toner and fix my extensions. I bought some ebay extensions recently, just thin cheapies, so thin that I knew I was not going to be able to obtain a lot of length but since my hair is soo fine I wanted to get some body from them. Anyway the colour was too pale blonde so my HD had to dye them, wash them, dry them, straighten them, attach them to my head then cut them. On top of her usual full heado bleach for my muma and my ususal foils and toner as mentioned soo we were there for ages. two bottles for Billy to be precise lol.
The above pic is not the best pic as I am tired and am my makeup has long ago slid off my face lol but you get the gist. I was scared I would not remember where all the clip ins go so when I took them out before I labeled the silver slips with perm marker with things like- BU (thats back upper) lol.
We then went to cranbourne where I publicly told the slappers in best and less who were yelling over the store about their shit pay to shut it. Seriously. If I was the manager there, they would be fired for being bogans, slappers and unprofessional.
Am now home and about to dye my husbands hair.

I am so so so so in love with the romper. This is before hair obviously. I changed into a long cardi which looked heappps better but forgot to photograph it.

Cropped cardi- city chic
Romper- Torrid
Sparkle leggings- city chic
flats- kmart
headband- NFI
Tomorrow marks my loser-ey 29th birthday- hello old bitch! Also marks the 12 month anniversary to the day I had a little 4 cell embryo inplanted into my vjayjay.. today that little embryo is a 4 month old (to the day!) teething monster whom I love to death!!! all together now.. NAWWWWWWWWWW

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