Saturday, April 18, 2015


I feel kinda silly and nervous. Hi. It's been a bloody long long time hey? I feel like I'm talking to a friend I have been meaning to catch up with for ages but umm, kept putting off lol. Not that anyone reads this so who gives a fuck hey??? 😃😃😃😃 
Well I'm going to give you a brief rundown on the past what, three years at least??!!!?? Ok, only viral info, I have a tendency to ramble;
I have remarried.
I have bought a house! With said husband.
I have three children now! Billy is almost five! Lenny is two and a half. Georgia is just shy of eight months. 
I put back on a lot of the weight I lost. So I had lapband surgery when georgia was six weeks old. I'm now down to the skinniest I've ever been with fifteen kilos to go to goal.
I still fucking love clothes. I'm just generally too frantic in the morning to throw together a good look lol. 

So basically I missed my blog and thought I might reinstate it and see how I go? I figured I'd post ootd again, talk shit, whinge about my kids and then in the next breath post totes Adorbs pics of them 😂😂 I figured I'd also post a bit about my weightloss and fitness journey because I'm quite proud of myself. Lapband or not I work my arse off! So anyway, let's see how we go!! 

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