Monday, December 1, 2008

The Free Noel

autograph cream top

city chic brown elastic belt

big w beads and jeans

vintage handbag
bracelets.. all from diva...

Thanks very much to Australian Womans Weekly who gave me a free DVD called NOEL with my purchase. This kept the kids entertained for a total of.. three minutes. I guess if there's no cartoon santa, reindeer or presents in a christmas movie they are NOT interested...
So Sunday I put up my christmas tree. I thought it would provide me with some time away from "wedding shtuff" true true. However, how HIDEOUS is putting a tree up? First of all- where was the stupid thing? Found it in the garage and gingerly put it together, being mindful that the garage is generally FULL of spidies and cockroaches. In melbourne. Figure that out? Then, since I am saving money I had decided not to buy new decos this year, I had to unravel the lights. Mah, this looks easy. 60 minutes later my hands were grimy from the cord and I was stamping my feet in frustration. Finally got them up. Then putting up the glass ornaments. Well.. not glass because glass balls and a frisky catsy do not mesh well. Making sure the balls were all spaced out according to colour- I only use green, red and silver. Then the tinsel. And some lametta to give it that "Snow covered in the alps" appeal. And presto... a Myer tree it ain't, but you know, it's OK! I will post next time a pic.
Saturday we had the wedding rehersal. Apart from some annoying, draining, let's-tell-80000-stupid-jokes-and-stress-the-bride-out-more people, it went well. Although now I think about it, I want to change the side of the courtyard we will be saying our vows in. You know, just to be difficult. I then proceeded to go to Southland with ABL and my three step daughters and it was total vomit busy and I was so mission driven- to get in and out ASAP! Picked up the things I needed and LEFT.
Today was boring. work was boring. You know, I just want to be at home finalising the wedding, NOT at work- its pissing me off actually and if my boss didn't look so MIFFED lately i would totally be asking for the next two days off. But you know, since it is kinda quiet, I can finalise stuff from my desk.

Anywho, I am knackered. My pic today was my outfit Saturday for the rehersal- forgive the facial expression, I was squinting into the sun and having a fag haha. I also included a pic of my very sensual new snake bracelet and black and gold bangles- very VERY into the bangle right now.
Ciao for now..

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