Wednesday, March 18, 2009

grandma dress part 1

grandma print shirt dress- thrifted
black belt- autograph
stirup tights (unseen) -crossroads
black flats (unseen) -target

so yesterday i wore my grandma dress.
these pics are shit by the way and were taken at the end of the day when I had shit makeup and flat hair.
by the way, i hate my hair at the moment. miss my extensions. want them back :(
I like this dress so there is something off in these pics, not sure what.

my hand looks funny + my hair flat + shapeless (which.. it is :-) )

gotta love these toilet pics


Deborah-lee said...

I actually like your hair like that! I love the way the ends curve under to frame your face. I guess I have a similar style so I can understand it can be a pain sometimes.. but honest, I think the shorter style suits you a lot.

Danielle said...

aww thanks.. i think i will always be love-hate with my hair. im just growing out a pob, unsure of what to do with the colour (I'm a natural dark blonde) and the style so leaving it the way it is at the moment is the best option, but u know how hard it is.
sigh. but thanks :-) xx

Deborah-lee said...

I do know how hard it is!! I had a mullett for about 3 months while I was trying to grow mine (It's been about the same length for 4 years now, but at one time it was a lot shorter)

Maybe with a lighter colour you'd be happier? I saw you want to change to your natural colour. That way you won't hate ALL the things about your hair!! Haa, I'm so like you, I hate my curls. I seriously have only started liking my hair since I started using a hair straightener (only lightly) and started washing it only every third day instead of every second.